Interested in using UrbanBeat?

Everything we can do for you is listed below.

If you are ready for your event to become a reality, select the ‘Book Now’ option.

We will be in touch shortly. 

Basic pricing 

Below you will see our basic pricing list broken down by day as well as what amenities come with your booking of our space.


UrbanBeat has a Catering Kitchen for your use as part of your rental of our space.  You are free to use any licensed caterer/food establishment you choose as long as you provide us with a copy of their health department license. 


All alcoholic beverages must go through UrbanBeat. We have a liquor license but we are happy try and accommodate your preferences and needs where ever we can!  We offer both Hosted and Cash Bar Options.  

 Click below to see our bar packages and subsequent pricing.


Because we are a multi-faceted venue with all types of events we have a lot of different extra amenities that we can provide you with to make sure your day is what you always dreamed it would be.